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Glenn Simon Tillotson

Glenn Simon Tillotson

Senior Vice President
Cempra Pharmaceuticals, Chapel Hill, USA


Dr. Glenn Simon Tillotson worked over 35 years in healthcare with almost 30 years in pharmaceuticals (R&D and Medical Affairs).Dr. Glenn Simon Tillotson has experience in drug research and development including pre-clinical studies, IND, NDA, MAA and product life cycle extension (sNDA). He had memberships of various societies. He has demonstrated success in range of product development, product launches and life cycle management strategies, harnessed innovative communication strategies both externally and internally, developed several medical affairs teams both internationally and nationally and shown resourcefulness in business development activities. He has written 200 papers (>150 papers on PubMed), 5 book chapters. He edited e-book on Clostridium difficile, published in September 2013 by Future Medicine, London, UK.

Research Interest

Clinical research, medical affairs, life cycle management